Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Why Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle was the Biggest Surprise of E3 2017

E3 2017 ended nearly one month ago now, giving us plenty of time to reminisce and think on all the great games that we saw there. I have often thought about how incredibly fun and open Super Mario Odyssey looks, how satisfyingly epic the new God of War will be on PS4, and how I can’t wait for Sea of Thieves on Xbox One. However, there is still one game that is standing out to me as by far the biggest surprise of E3, and that game is Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. This game was not a surprise in the normal sense. The game was long rumored and leaked as far back as the end of 2016, so seeing it show up at Ubisoft’s conference was no big shocker. The surprise from this game came in the form of just how darn good it actually looks! Kingdom Battle looks like it could show itself as the dark horse hit of 2017.

From the moment Mario + Rabbids was rumored, and especially when art from the game got leaked, people began to hate on it and prematurely judged it as a goofy, childish spinoff. I am proud to say that I was not one of those people, as anytime Nintendo is involved with something new, I am going to give it a fair shot. Despite not hating the idea of the game, I still won’t pretend like I was exactly excited for this game either. I just assumed that it would be something I would pick up a couple months after its launch for half price and play with my nephews when they visit. After seeing the game at E3, however, I almost immediately preordered it and will picking it up for myself on launch day.

My path from curiosity to genuine excitement with Mario + Rabbids was an interesting one with many waves of emotions that all happened in the course of about 15 minutes during Ubisoft’s E3 conference. It started with the initial reel of a pair of rabbids messing around with an iconic question block from the Mario series. This is when, along with everyone else, I realized the game was being officially revealed, so my interest was naturally peaked. Next came the reveal of Shigeru Miyamoto on stage. Even though he may have not developed the game, seeing that Mr. Miyamoto was fully supporting this game gave me my first glance of hope that it may be better than any of us had initially thought. The moment that took me from indifferent to excited was when the game’s developer gave a walkthrough of the gameplay and mechanics. Seeing just how deep and complex Mario + Rabbids has the potential to be proved that it likely won’t be just another forgettable spinoff. The announcement trailer was the final big step. Seeing Mario interact with the rabbids was both quirky and charming, perfectly capturing what I love about Nintendo. Two moments stood out to me in the trailer that made me realize we were in for something totally unique. First of all was seeing Mario run toward Peach to save her, as it looked like she was in immediate danger. Instead of Mario saving her, however, Peach whipped out a blaster and fired at two rabbids, thus actually saving herself! The next big moment for me was pretty straight forward. Rabbid Donkey Kong is all that needs to be said for that.

There is no doubt that the reveal of Kingdom Battle’s gameplay and mechanics was likely the biggest surprise of this game to almost everyone, as it certainly was for me. Mario + Rabbids was revealed to be a turn-based strategy adventure game that has commonly been referred to as a mixture of XCOM and a Mario RPG. I’m not sure what, exactly, I was expecting this game to be. Perhaps a Mario & Luigi series style RPG with Rabbids shoehorned in, but not an XCOM/Mario RPG hybrid! The game’s main story operates in two modes. There is adventure mode, where players will travel around the nightmarish, rabbid invaded Mushroom Kingdom in between battles. Then there is the battle mode, where players will enter their party into a battle area and strategically maneuver their characters through the battle environment to take out enemy rabbids. While still an RPG, this game definitely seems to be a twist on the genre that is entirely unique for Mario!

Not only was the genre Ubisoft chose a pleasant surprise, but so is the game’s apparent depth. It seems as if Kingdom battle is going to have some seriously deep RPG mechanics, complete with: interchangeable characters for your party, a weapons upgrade system, and a full-fledged skill tree for each character. Every character has their own unique abilities and specialties, thus adding another layer of depth to the game. Players will have to learn the unique characteristics of each of their characters and learn how to appropriately use them in battle in order to ensure victory. Knowing every characters strengths and weaknesses will provide a tactical advantage that players who don’t get into the depth of the game simply will not have. The amount of deep RPG mechanics that seem to be coming to Mario + Rabbids should have any RPG and Nintendo fan excited!

There really is no denying that the reveal of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle’s gameplay at E3 2017 was a pleasant surprise that has gotten the attention of many gamers, even outside of the typical Nintendo fan base. There is a lot more excitement within the Switch community for this game now, as it seems to be one of the most anticipated games of 2017. For example, I recently put up a poll on a popular online Switch community (shout out to Switch Amino!), asking people if they would be purchasing Kingdom Battle or not. The results I got honestly did surprise me. I received 160 responses to the poll, and out of 160 people, 58.8% of them said they would definitely be purchasing the game (21.3% on launch day). Almost 60% of the people polled are planning on picking up the game! 28.8% of the people polled are still undecided, while only 12.5% said they would never buy Mario + Rabbids. Unfortunately, I have no poll from before E3 to compare these numbers to, but I feel very confident in saying that there is no way they would have been this positive.

Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom battle is looking better and better and has built itself a community of fans genuinely excited for its release. The new found excitement for this game is great news for Nintendo, and Ubisoft alike, as the game’s success could create more opportunities for unique 3rd party support on the Switch. I know we will all be patiently waiting to see how Kingdom Battle performs when it is released on August 29th. Until then, keep your eyes peeled for more news on Mario + Rabbids!

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