Thursday, July 6, 2017

My Thoughts on Today's (7/6/17) Splatoon 2 Direct

So Nintendo hit us with a Splatoon 2 focused Direct, and it did not disappoint. This Direct was a decent length, being over 25 minutes, and the whole presentation was full of information. There was also a good flow to today’s Direct, which was a welcome feature, as Nintendo has often struggled with pacing in their presentations as of late. Information was presented clearly and in a timely manner, and even though there was a lot to take in, I don’t feel like I really missed anything. There was also that lovable Nintendo charm present, as they chose to stick with the “Squid Research Lab” theme that myself and many others have come to love. It definitely seems that this direct delivered on almost everything that Splatoon fans wanted, so without further ado, let’s jump into the details.

New Features

When Splatoon 2 was first announced, one of the biggest criticisms of the game has come in the form of people questioning whether or not it would have enough new features to distinguish itself as a full-fledged sequel rather than just a glorified port. I have to admit, I too had these concerns, up until today that is. While Splatoon 2 may not be as different from its predecessor as a Call of Duty or Battlefield game might be, it still seems to be offering enough to show that this isn’t just a simple port. There are plenty of new features that the original game just did not offer including weapons, clothing items, deeper character customization, new characters, a revamped Inkopolis, a seemingly deeper story mode, new Amiibo functionality, a new game mode, online voice chat (including SplatNet 2) , new multiplayer stages, and more. To further elaborate on the new content Splatoon 2 will offer, let’s dive deeper into some of the bigger pieces of content.

While there is seemingly only one new game mode (other than the Squid Beats 2 minigame) currently being added to Splatoon 2, it will likely be a big and very popular one. Salmon run is a hoard/waves of enemies style game mode, similar in that way to Call of Duty’s Zombies mode. Players will be thrown onto an island with 3 other players and will have to battle off wave after wave of creepy, salmon-like creatures. These waves will also include newly announced and very unique bosses, which will sure to be a major challenge requiring high levels of skill and team work. This game mode looks to already be a fan favorite, as there is a lot of buzz about it in the Splatoon community. There is one area that should be addressed about this game mode, however. It appears that Salmon run will not be available to play all the time, and will only be playable at specific time slots throughout the day. At first I was very down on this idea, wondering why Nintendo wouldn’t let players choose this game mode at their own leisure. After thinking on it, though, it began to make sense why they did this. Having specific timeslots that Salmon run will be available during will funnel the community into playing all at once, making it much easier for players who aren’t playing with a group of friends to find others to get matched with. While this doesn’t completely excuse locking a game mode behind time slots, it does make it much more understandable.

Another new feature that can NOT be overlooked is the addition of in game voice chat, available through Nintendo’s Switch Online smartphone app. Look, I know there are still a lot of inconveniences to Nintendo’s choice for voice chat, like having to use your phone and not being able to talk to strangers. These are huge frustrations, and I won’t even begin to make excuses for them. At the end of the day though, it’s better than nothing, right? There are still hoops to jump through, but at least there is a path to get to where we want to be now. Voice chat is an essential part of a game like Splatoon that requires a ton of teamwork and communication. We can all breathe a sigh of relief that it is actually an option in this game, and it should make team play a lot more fun!

The all new story mode has to be quickly mentioned here as well. We obviously don’t know a whole lot about the story of Splatoon 2 just yet, but there is no denying that it looks vastly deeper than what we got in the original game. I had a lot of fun playing Splatoon’s story mode, but it felt very short and often times lacked variety for me. Splatoon 2 looks as though it will fix those problems!

Returning Favorites

While there is a ton of new content coming to Splatoon 2, there is also a lot returning from the original game as well. Most of everyone’s favorite weapons, such as the splat roller and the splatershot are making a return. This is actually a nice touch, rather than having all new weapons like most shooters opt for. It is always a frustrating process to have to relearn all new weapons from game to game. With Splatoon 2, however, we actually have the option to start with what we know, and integrate new weapons as we go along. Fan favorite maps are also making a return in Splatoon 2. It was almost like there was an audible cheer to be heard when everyone saw their favorite maps. Of course, everyone’s favorite game modes are making a return as well. We already knew that turf war would be coming back, but today we also got to see that the modes from ranked play are coming back too. I for one can’t wait to play more rain maker! Last but not least, a lot of the original characters are returning for Splatoon 2. It’s great to see that Sheldon will be returning to his weapons store. His eccentricity for weapons is adorable, but I think we will all be happy to skip over his dialogue this time around! We also can’t forget about the pop sensations Callie and Marie! While it seems they have been replaced in their previous roles as everyone’s favorite pop artists and stage announcers by newcomers Marina and Pearl, the two seem to be slated for a deep role in the story mode.

A few Surprises

Most of the information laid out during the Splatoon 2 Direct was just more details about content we already knew was coming. However, Nintendo definitely did not disappoint as they had a few surprises in store as well. One of the biggest surprises form the Direct was the announcement, via music video, of the band Off the Hook, starring Callie and Marie’s replacements, Marina and Pearl. These two little Squids have garnered a HUGE reaction online. Fan art is already starting to emerge for the pop duo, and posts such as “Marina is my Waifu” can be found scattered throughout the web. Marina was even a top Trend on twitter for a couple of hours after the direct ended. Callie and Marie were massive hits and fan favorites from the original game, so it’s really no surprise that Marina and Pearl have gotten such a warm welcome from the community.

Nintendo’s biggest and most welcome surprise of the day, however, was the announcement that we would be getting a pre-launch Splatfest 1 week before the game comes out. Switch owners can download the Splatoon 2 demo from the eshop and choose between either team ice cream or team cake, in preparation for the upcoming Splatfest. Leading up to the Direct, the Splatoon community was buzzing with hopes and rumors that we would get another testfire. Well, Nintendo did us one better by giving us our testfire in the form of a one day, 3 hour long Splatfest!

What was Missing

Honestly, this Direct had almost everything that fans desired and wasn’t really missing much of anything. I am going to nitpick for a moment, though. I would have loved to have seen some form of a local, one Switch required, multiplayer mode. Whether this came in the form of local co-op for the game’s story mode, or split screen online or offline turf wars, I would have liked to have seen something. I only own 1 Switch, and I also have a younger brother, and plenty of nieces and nephews that I would love to introduce to this franchise through local multiplayer. Unfortunately, though, it doesn’t look like I will be getting that chance with Splatoon 2, unless it is added later.


Overall, I would say that this was the best Direct that Nintendo has presented in quite some time. The last direct I remember being this well presented was way back when Twilight Princes HD was announced. Nintendo gave fans almost everything they wanted in this Direct, whether it be in the form of new content, returning favorites, or big surprises. The reception online has seemed mostly positive toward both this Direct and Splatoon 2 as a whole. I can definitely say that I am more excited for Splatoon 2 today, after the Direct, than I was yesterday, and that is always a great sign of success!

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