
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Team Death Match coming to Splatoon 2? New Content we want in Splatoon 2

Splatoon 2 has launched to both critical acclaim and commercial success. Despite this success, though, many fans and critics have complained that the game offers too little content, especially when considering that it is a sequel with only 1 real game mode added from its predecessor. While this is a subjective claim that I mostly disagree with, one thing that everyone can agree on is that we look forward to seeing new content added to Splatoon 2 over the next year. With the promise from Nintendo of free updates and DLC coming to their hit shooter for a year, there is a lot of speculation of what this new content might contain. Will it be more maps, modes, weapons or clothes? Well, I have some theories as to what Nintendo might have in store for us.

As we have seen throughout the first few weeks of Splatoon 2’s life, the initial added content will most likely be new weapons. It is my belief that this is the only new significant content that will be added to the game for the first month. Nintendo will likely continue to experiment with new weapons, such as the Splat Brella that was mentioned during the final pre-launch Direct. It is probably also a safe bet to say that new weapons will not include just primary weapons. These content updates will include new sub-weapons and special weapons as well. This trend will likely continue, with more weapons added each month throughout the entirety of the game’s first year.

Now that the obvious has been gotten out of the way with weapon updates, we can dive into the good stuff. From here on, it’s going to be pure speculation and fandom filled hopes! At the end of the day, the two additions that fans want most are new modes and new maps. There is a decent variety to be found amongst Splatoon 2’s current maps. Some maps are larger than others and depend on more wide open combat, while others are more confined with multiple alleys of combat. In the case of Moray Towers, maps offer a great sense of space and verticality. All of these maps lend themselves well to all the current game modes and various styles of play and weapon preferences. However, as fans, we can never have too many maps. One type of map that I crave to be in Splatoon 2 is a large, yet enclosed/claustrophobic type map. A large space made to feel smaller with enclosed corridors would be wholly unique to the Splatoon experience.

The development team behind Splatoon 2 cannot be faulted for not previously including a map such as the one I just described, as there hasn’t been a mode suited to this type of map as of yet. So far the maps have been mostly open areas that play well into turf wars or single objective point modes. It is the two modes that I would love to see added where a large yet enclosed map would flourish. The two new modes I would love to be included could be appropriately titled “Team Splat Match” and “Hide and Splat”.

The first of these proposed game modes, “Team Splat Match”, would obviously be a traditional team death match style mode. This mode would pin teams of four against one another in a competition to see who can get the most splats. In previous game modes, players were charged with inking the most turf or controlling an objective point, with splats being a secondary thought. With Team Splat Match, getting splats would be the sole objective. This game mode would likely appeal to more traditional fans and hardcore players who live for taking down there opponents with satisfying splats.

In addition to Team Splat Match, I would love to see another direct objective based game mode. This objective based mode would be “Hide and Splat.” In Hide and Splat, players would be charged with taking down the other team’s players. The catch in this mode, however, is that there are no respawns. Once you are splatted, you are out for that entire round. The team that loses all their players first, loses the round. To fans of other shooter based games, this mode will sound familiar as a “search and destroy” style game mode. Splatoon 2 would no doubt flourish with this type of game mode, as it deals heavily with stealth, giving the swimming through and hiding in your own ink mechanic another chance to shine.

Large additions such as new maps and modes are not the only things that should be added to Splatoon 2 throughout the next year. There are many smaller changes and additions that should be added as well. One such change is the obvious edit of including some form of in match or between match weapon loadout swap. This is an essential part of any shooter that allows fans to implement a deeper level of strategy. Other small additions could include: new clothing items, new abilities to be attached to articles of clothing, more style (hair and eye color) options, and of course, more ink colors. There is no denying the greatness that has been Splatoon 2. Myself, as well as thousands of other fans, have sunk hundreds of hours into the game in a few short weeks. However, like nearly any game, there is still room for improvement and additions. Here’s to hoping that Nintendo will continue to listen to their fans and give us many more options for the game!

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