
Monday, July 31, 2017

Ten Games that Must be on the Nintendo 64 Classic Edition (N64 Mini)

At this point, it is all but confirmed that Nintendo will be launching the Nintendo 64 Classic Edition sometime in 2018. Following 2 consecutive years of releasing classic editions of their first two home consoles, Nintendo seems poised to do it once again. Pair the fact that this move would be a no brainer with a suspicious and sudden renewal of the patent on the Nintendo 64 controller, and it seems that fans will be fighting over another mini console next fall. Due to the facts that the console is not confirmed and the SNES Classic hasn’t even been released yet, it is far too early to be discussing the N64 Classic. However, this hasn’t stopped many other fans from doing so, and it certainly won’t stop me. Let’s jump into a list of ten must have games on the Nintendo 64 Classic Edition!

·         Golden Eye: 007
o   I acknowledge that this one is going to be unlikely do to licensing issues that would have to be overcome, on account of this being a game based on a movie. However, there is no denying that Golden Eye on the Nintendo 64 revolutionized 4-player multiplayer as well as set the standard for first-person shooters on consoles. Golden Eye was one of the greatest multiplayer games on the N64 and would be sorely missed on the Nintendo 64 Classic.

·         Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
o   “The first level from Kirby 64 is still one of my favorite video game levels till this day.” These are the words of one of my closest friends when talking about why Kirby 64 is his favorite Kirby game. While not widely considered among Kirby’s best titles, Kirby 64 still offers plenty of influence and innovation for the rest of the series. Allowing players to combine copy abilities was a first for the series and proved to be a fun hook for the game. This game would likely be one of the weakest on the N64 Mini, but what is a Nintendo console without a Kirby title?

·         Resident Evil 2
o   This is a game that had a difficult journey of making it onto Nintendo’s 64-bit console. Citing difficulties with cartridges, similar to Square’s reasoning for choosing the PlayStation as Final Fantasy 7’s home, Resident Evil 2 almost never made it to the N64. Thankfully, though, it did. Becoming one of the system’s best third party games, Resident Evil 2 is not only one of the N64’s best, but is arguably the greatest survival horror game of all time. The original version of the game has aged pretty terribly, and there have been much better versions made since, but Capcom’s hit absolutely deserves a place on this Classic Edition.

·         Donkey Kong 64
o   Who doesn’t love a good collectathon? Hopefully anyone who tries out Donkey Kong 64 does, because that seems to be the game’s primary hook and what adds all of its replay value. While Donkey Kong 64 is certainly not the greatest Donkey Kong game or among Rare’s best work, it is still a fantastic foray for the beloved ape into 3D-platforming! Though it may rely too heavily on dozens of collectible bananas to keep players coming back, Donkey Kong 64 should not be overlooked as a classic Nintendo 64 title.

·         Rayman 2: The Great Escape
o   Many consider the Nintendo 64 to have been the beginning of Nintendo’s third-party developer problem. Choosing cartridges over discs for their games meant several difficult hurdles for developers to overcome, such as limited storage and higher prices. However, Ubisoft chose to stick by Nintendo’s side and launched Rayman 2 on the Nintendo 64. At the time, Rayman 2 looked great, played great, and felt perfectly at home alongside other 3D-platforming juggernauts like Super Mario 64. To this day, Ubisoft is still one of Nintendo’s biggest supporters, still bringing modern Rayman games to Nintendo consoles. For this, along with genuinely great gameplay, Rayman 2 absolutely needs a spot on the Nintendo 64 Mini!

·         The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
o   Directly following up one of the greatest video games of all time is no small feat. It would have been so easy for Majora’s Mask to fold under the weight of having to act as a sequel to the revolutionary title that was Ocarina of Time. However, instead of acting as a simple sequel, Majora’s Mask carved its own path through history giving Nintendo fans the darkest and most unique Zelda game yet. Critically acclaimed and beloved by fans, it would be an absolute crime if Link’s adventure through Termina didn’t make it onto the N64 Classic.

·         Super Smash Bros.
o   Okay, so Super Smash Bros. for the N64 is very likely the weakest of the now legendary series. However, there would be no Smash Bros. series if it were not for the success of the Nintendo 64 iteration. Originally just a generic fighter until it was suggested that the roster should include Nintendo characters, the original game took fans by storm when it released. While the games have expanded dramatically and grown since their first entry, this title still holds its own as a fantastic 4-player local multiplayer title.

·         Mario Kart 64
o   Super Mario Kart for the SNES was the game that introduced fans to the basic concept of the now beloved game series. However, the second entry in the series, Mario Kart 64, is the title that set the standard for all other Mario Karts and kart racers. Unlike some of the other games on this list, Mario Kart 64’s gameplay actually still holds up nearly as well today as it did when it launched. Offering local multiplayer in the form of races and battles, the second entry in the Mario Kart series is still beloved by fans and is often a go to at parties and get togethers, making it the perfect title for the N64 Mini!

·         Super Mario 64
o   If Nintendo knows how to do one thing, it is how to create a killer launch title for their consoles, specifically with their Mario games. The NES had Super Mario Bros. The SNES had Super Mario World, and the Nintendo 64 had Super Mario 64. Serving as the mustachioed plumbers first foray into 3D, Super Mario 64 revolutionized many gaming concepts, such as: joy-stick controls, 3D gameplay on consoles, hub-world to level gameplay, and of course, the Mario series itself. While the graphics have aged poorly and many other games have improved upon the formula that Mario 64 created, the game is still just as fun to pick up and play today as it was at launch!

·         The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
o   What can be said about this game that hasn’t already been said a million times before? Ocarina of Time was Link’s first adventure through a 3D space, but it was also so much more than that. Between the story, the world and level design, character creation, the soundtrack, 3D gameplay, pacing, and so much more, this game revolutionized what an adventure game could be. Still often regarded as the greatest video game of all time, Ocarina of Time will absolutely have a home on the Nintendo 64 Classic Edition.

There it is. My list of the ten games that should be considered must haves on the Nintendo 64 Classic Edition. It is likely that the console will include many more titles than ten, and that is a sigh of relief. Offering some of the greatest games of all times, including many firsts for the industry, the N64 had so many games that absolutely deserve a place on the mini iteration of the classic console. For now, though, these are the ten that I hope will be found on the Nintendo 64 Mini come 2018. Look forward to more lists, including even more on the Nintendo 64 Classic, coming soon!

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