

Ever since first playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past at the age of 5, I knew I would be a lifelong Nintendo fan.  Since discovering Nintendo for myself with that game in 1998, I have surrounded myself with Nintendo knowledge, news, collectibles and, of course, games. To me, Nintendo has a charm, soul, and magic to their games that no other developer can come close to capturing. This is not to imply that I don't love or enjoy numerous non-Nintendo games or developers, but just goes to say that, personally, I feel that there is nothing like diving into a new Metroid or Mario game. There really is "No Play Like It".

Now at the age of 23, I have decided that it is high time to share my love for Nintendo with more than just people from my inner circle. Despite having numerous friends and family members in my life that share my passion for Nintendo, I feel a need to expand the conversation about this great developer to include others as well. That is why I decided to create this blog. It is a place for me to share my opinions and thoughts on all things Nintendo. I am not here to just share my opinions, however. Conversation with people who read my blog posts is also highly encouraged and I look forward to hearing opinions from individuals from all walks of life!

I can't wait to share my opinions on Nintendo news, games, reviews, and many other topics with all of you. Thank you for reading and please feel free to comment to get the conversation started!

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